Friday, September 21, 2007

Swing Shift

Extending office hours from 5 to 6 pm required some negotiation. Our receptionists have agreed to try a couple of late shifts. This brought up some unanticipated issues. As it starts to get dark by 6 pm, our staff won't be comfortable walking home from work, so we'll need to provide transportation. Also, we need to check that our office building will still be unlocked at that hour.

The real test of the plan is getting physician bodies behind desks. Amanda made a sign-up sheet for two evenings next week and circulated it to the urologists. She did a nice sales job. Four doctors signed up for one evening and two for the other. Six doctors at four patients per hour means an extra 24 appointments off the backlog that week. I hope this is a small change we can sustain.

P.S. Turns out that blogging is mildly addictive. There’s a spin-off from the Advanced Access project that I’m pursuing at Come on over and check out “Plain Brown Wrapper”!

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