I groaned when I saw the spike in mid-November, but the mid-December peak was even more discouraging. I remember how exciting it was to see the results we had in early 2008. What’s gone on since then to put our wait times up?
Around the time 3rd NAA started to climb in 2008, 3 of our partners had switched to half-time practice. This moved us from 9 FTE to 7.5 FTE. Coincident with that change, we noted an increase in the number of referrals from Regina. There were only 2 urologists in Regina at that time, and their wait times were lengthy. This has been a longstanding situation, but we found that some Regina GPs had recently “discovered” us and were suggesting to their patients that they could see a urologist in Saskatoon more promptly. As word spread in Regina, more GPs (and their patients) would take advantage of our services.
So, it seemed to be a combination of reduced capacity and increased demand. In that context, one could conclude that, even though our 3rd NAA has risen since 2008 (now equaling our original baseline), that our overall processes must have improved because we’re doing more with less. If we hadn’t made some the changes through Advanced Access, our 3rd NAA would likely be much higher.
Well, that’s cold comfort. We remain committed to our goal of a 2-week wait time for all consultations. And, we know what the barrier is.
Because the wait times have been pretty steady this year, the problem remains the same: backlog. In a stable system, if we can trim the backlog, our system should drop to a new, lower level. And that’s where the recent spikes in 3rd NAA turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
In November, several of us noted that some patients were waiting until March to see us. The 3rd NAA is an average, so some unfortunate patients at the far end of the curve have very long waits. We know what a burden that is for our patients, and it’s not the way we want to provide service. This prompted Peter Lau to surprise us with a proposal.
We know the backlog is our big challenge. We’ve picked away at the edges of it by having half-time partners come in to work on their months off, staying late to see more patients, and filling in any open slots in the docs’ calendars. But, still the backlog eludes us. It just doesn’t look like we have any extra capacity to work with. Until Peter found it for us.
He proposed that we each give up a week out of our annual holiday allotment, and spend that week in the office seeing patients. We take our holiday time pretty seriously in our practice; it’s one of the main perqs of working in a large group. So, before taking the idea to the group, we wanted to be confident that it had a (theoretical) chance of success.
Our current backlog is about 800-850 patients. If one urologist spent 5 8-hour days in the office seeing, on average, 3 patients per hour, he or she would see 120 patients in that week. As one of our half-time partners has just retired, we now have 7 FTE docs, so the proposed backlog blitz would deal with about 840 patients. What a coincidence!
Our proposal to the group was that, starting in the spring, we would schedule each of us to work one of 7 consecutive weeks. In order to make this more palatable, we suggested that during each urologist’s week, they would focus solely on office work – no call, no surgery, no fielding phone calls from referring docs. Staff would behave as if that urologist were actually away from the office on holiday. We felt this would be an important feature of a blitz week, otherwise, the doc in the office would become the go-to person for every phone call and query that came into the office.
Rather than spring the idea on the group, we informally shopped it around a bit first. We felt it was a radical enough proposal that surprising everyone with it at an office meeting could trigger a negative (and understandable) response. I was nervous as Peter made the pitch. What could possibly motivate the group to give up an entire week of holidays?
The response: Let’s do it. Immediate and unanimous! It’s difficult to express the pride I felt at being a part of a group that would so readily give up personal, family time in order to improve patient care.
So, from March 22 to May 7, we will be crushing our backlog. However, as we plan for the blitz, we see that this means a significant change in our office practices, from notifying patients to booking ancillary tests, such as CT scans and ultrasounds. We’re working on identifying these challenges and creating new processes. More on that next time.
WOW! Kishore I am so excited and impressed. Your team's approach is data driven, very scientific, and has that added bit of personal commitment that confirms my faith in people. I think of how often I've assumed that things weren't possible because I underestimated people's willingness to step up and tackle a problem together, sometimes at great personal sacrifice. Somehow, you've also managed to cultivate a true system's perspective - your partners and staff can see both the short and the long term and obviously understand what short term pain should mean for a long term gain. Way to go - all of you! Now to see how it all turns out...
ReplyDeleteKath (sweden) - I'm sure that Ray and Tundra would be impressed too :-)